Subject index


Numbers refer to CDs, numbers in brackets to tracks.

(1779-1860), organist, conductor and choirmaster in Götzens
Christmas cantata 3 (8)
The Holy Family seeking accommodation, cantata 3 (1)

AMON, Blasius Tyrolensis (* about 1560 in Hall in the Tyrol, † 1590 in Vienna)
Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (motets, Vienna 1582) 91 (11)
Motets from Sacrae Cantiones (Munich 1590) 9 (14-16); 91 (1, 10, 12, 13)
Motets (for Easter) from Liber Cantionum (Vienna 1582) 9 (10-13)
Requiem (Vienna 1588, reprint Munich 1591) 91 (2-9)

ANGERER, Edmund OSB (1740-1794), conductor and choirmaster at Fiecht Monastery
Berchtoldsgaden Musick (Toy Symphony) 2 (27-29); 35 (13-15); 40 (1-3)
Divertimento for four horns 2 (1-9)
Der Englische Gruß (cantata) 30 (1-9)
Mass for Palm Sunday 45 (1-7)
Pastoral mass, G Major 3 (3-4, 6, 10-12)
Pastoral mass, B Flat Major 24 (1-8, 13-15, 17-22)
Die Probe der Gratulation (operetta) 1 (6); 22 (5-8)
Christmas cantata 3 (5)

ANDERGASSEN, Günther (* 1930 Margreid)
Wind Quintet in Memory of Paul Hindemith 93 (25-29)
Der Jahreskreis (songs on haikus) 93 (5-18)
Lieder on poems by Paul Celan 93 (2-4)

ARNOLD, Georg (* 1621 in Feldsberg, † 1676 in Bamberg as court organist)
Canzoni, Ariae et Sonatae (pieces for strings) from op. 3 (Innsbruck 1659) 15

AUFSCHNAITER, Benedikt Anton
(* 1665 in Kitzbühel, † 1742 in Passau as director of the cathedral and court music)
Concerto o Parthia della Cortesia (orchestral suite) 4 (1-5)
Dulcis fidium harmonia (church sonatas, Vienna 1703) 89
Laetatus sum (offertorium, Passau 1719) 8 (29-30)
Mass, C Major, op. 6/3 (1711) 8 (20-27, 30-44)
O sacrum convivium (offertorium, Passau 1719) 8 (17-19)
Pastorella 6 (15)
Requiem, C Major 8 (1-16)
Serenade della Pace (orchestral suite) 4 (7-13)
Sonata gloriosa (church sonata) 4 (6)

ALBAN, Matthias (* 1621 in Kaltern, † 1712 in Bozen), violin maker
Violin (Bozen 1706) 73; 90; 100 (1-3, 7-9, 11, 15)

BACH, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Sonata for violin and harpsichord, C Minor, BWV 1017 94 (1-4)
Sonata for violin and harpsichord, G Major, BWV 1019 94 (12-16)

BAUR, Franz (* 1958 Hall in the Tyrol)
Der Herr ist mein Hirte (The Lord is my Shepherd) for soprano, oboe, three zithers (1995) 93 (1)

BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Adagio ma non troppo for mandolin and piano, WoO 43b 97 (7)
Andante con Variazioni for mandolin and piano, WoO 44b 97 (8)
Lieder verschiedener Völker (songs) for voice and piano trio, WoO 158/4-8
Tiroler Lieder 62 (17-21)
Sonatine for mandolin and piano, WoO 43a 97 (2)
Sonatine for mandolin and piano, WoO 44a 97 (3)
Zehn variierte Themen for Piano mit beliebiger Begleitung von Flöte oder Violine (Ten themes for piano with flute or violin accompaniment),
op. 107
op. 107/1 Air tirolien (Tiroler Teppichkrämerlied) 62 (23)
op. 107/2 Air tirolien (A Madel ja a Madel) 62 (22)

CALL, Leonhard von (* 1767 in Eppan, † 1815 in Vienna)
Variations for mandolin and guitar, op. 8 97 (6)
Variations for mandolin and guitar, op. 25 97 (1)

CASTELLO, Dario (early 17th cent.)
Sonata seconda from Due Sonate a Soprano solo 94 (6)

CORELLI, Arcangelo (1653-1713)
Sonata for violin and basso continuo, op. 5/7 94 (8-11)

EYKENS, Jean (1812-1891)
Capricieto pour le Piano sur une Tyrolienne favorite, op. 7 (Paris about 1840) 63

FAITELLI, Vigilius Blasius (1710-1768), composer at the ladies’ religious institution in Hall
Christmas cantata 24 (10-11, 16, 23)

FALK, Georg Paul (1713-1778), parish organist and composer in Innsbruck
Partita for orchestra 1 (1), 23 (1-4)

FINGER, Gottfried (* about 1660 in Olomouc, Bohemia, † 1730 in Mannheim), concert master of the Innsbruck court ensemble of singers and instrumentalists 1707-1717
Sonata for strings, bassoon, 2 trumpets, timpani and basso continuo (about 1710) 18
12 Sonatas for strings and basso continuo, op. 1 (London & Amsterdam 1688) 16
X Suonate a tre..op. 5 (Amsterdam about 1700) Sonatas No. 3 and 4 18

FONTANA, Giovanni Battista (about 1570-1630)
Sonata seconda for violin and basso continuo 94 (7)

FRESCOBALDI, Girolamo (1583-1643)
Toccata per Spinetta e Violino 94 (5)

FRITZ, Johann (* 1783 in Pfaffenhofen, Upper Tyrol, † after 1825 in Innsbruck), maker of bowed string instruments
Guitar in the Innsbruck form (about 1820) 97 (1, 6); 100 (1-3, 7-9, 10, 11, 15)

GÄNSBACHER, Johann Baptist
(* 1778 in Sterzing, † 1844 in Vienna as director of the cathedral music)
Diligam te Domine (offertorium) 69 (10)
Divertissement, E Flat Major, op. 29 for piano duet 66 (1-4)
Divertissement, G Major, op. 20 for piano duet 65 (10-12)
Grand Divertissement, E Major (1811) for piano duet 66 (10-13)
Grand Divertissement, E Major (1830) for piano duet 65 (1-4)
Großer Jubelmarsch (Triumphal march), D Major, op. 31 for piano duet 65 (5)
Großer Jubelmarsch, D Major, op. 31 (orchestral version by Josef Pembaur) 78 (1)
Inclina Domine (offertorium) 70 (4)
Jagd-Marsch (Hunter’s march) for piano duet 66 (5)
Litany of the Blessed Virgin, D Major 70 (9-15)
Mass, C Major (No. 2) 69 (7-9, 11-13)
Mass, B Flat Major (No. 3) 70 (1-7)
Notturno in E Flat Major for violin and piano (Vienna about 1805) 68 (9-21)
Phantasia A.F. in A Minor for violin and piano (Prague 1811) 68 (7-8)
Piano trio in F Major (Vienna about 1808) 67 (1-3)
Piano trio in D Major (about 1808) 67 (4-6)
Piano trio in C Major (Innsbruck about 1821) 67 (7-9)
Requiem, E Flat Major, op. 15 69 (1-6)
Rondeau alla Polacca, op. 28 for piano duet 66 (6)
Schützenfreuden (Riflemen’s Joys) ... Tone Painting for Full Orchestra ... (1824) 78 (2)
Serenade for violin, flute, viola and guitar, op. 12 64 (1-4)
Serenade for clarinet, viola, violoncello and guitar, op. 24 64 (11-18)
Six Variations sur l'air Ist denn Liebe ein Verbrechen, op. 9 for piano duet 65 (6)
Sonata for violin and violoncello (Innsbruck about 1800) 68 (1-6)
Sonata for flute and piano, C Major, op. 11 100 (12-14)
Sonata for flute and piano, G Major 100 (4-6)
Sonate facile, op. 30 for piano duet 66 (7-9)
6 Songs with guitar accompaniment, op. 9 (Italian Canzonetti) 64 (5-7, 19-21)
Tantum ergo, D Major 70 (8)
Te Deum, D Major 70 (16)
7 Variations in A Major on the march from the opera Aline, for violin and piano
(Vienna about 1805) 68 (22-29)
3 Vocal trios for two sopranos, tenor and piano, op. 1 (about 1806) 64 (8-10)
3 Vocal trios for two sopranos, tenor and piano (about 1808) 64 (22-24)
3 Waltzes for piano duet 65 (7-9)

GEISSENHOF, Franz (* 1753 in Füssen, † 1821 in Vienna), violin maker
Violoncello (Vienna 1804) 73

GERSTNER, Karl Anton von (1713-1797), Professor of Medicine at Innsbruck University and composer
Symphony, D Major 5 (5)

GOLLER, Martin OSB (*1764 in Lajen, Eisacktal, †1836 in Innsbruck), choirmaster and conductor at Fiecht Monastery
Christmas cantata 6 (6)
Die Hirten freuten sich (Christmas carol) 6 (8)
Erfreue dich Jerusalem (Christmas carol) 6 (3)
Ihr Christen singt festliche Lieder (Christmas carol) 6 (13)
Pastoral mass, D Major 6 (4, 5, 9, 12)

GRAF, Conrad
(1782-1851), piano maker in Vienna
Hammerflügel (Vienna about 1838) 64 (5-7, 22-24); 71; 72; 73; 74; 75; 81; 95; 98

GRÖBER, Johann Georg (* 1775 in Pettneu, † 1849 in Innsbruck), organ and piano builder
Hammerflügel (Innsbruck about 1825) 65; 66; 97 (2, 3, 7, 8); 99; 100 (4-6, 12-14)

HAIDER, Siggi (* 1957 in Axams), music teacher and composer in Innsbruck
Glasmusik (1994) 92

HAINDL, Franz Sebastian (1727-1812), violin virtuoso in Bavaria and the Tyrol
Parthia for orchestra, D Major 35 (16-22)
Symphony, D Major 1 (3-5)
Symphony, G Major 1 (22); 11 (8-10)

HERZ, Henri (1803-1888)
Variations for piano on a Tyrolean song, op. 13 63

HÖRMANN, Johann Heinrich (1694-1763), director of the court music at Innsbruck
Alauda caelestis (6 Masses, op. 1, Augsburg 1750), Masses Nos. 3-5 18; 19
Parthia for eight instruments (with Jew’s harp) 1 (7-13)

HOLZMANN, Josef Alois (* 1762 in Hall, † 1815 in Hall), parish organist in Hall in the Tyrol
Christmas cantata 3 (13)
Fugue for Piano, G Minor (Vienna about 1785) 96 (17)
Menuetto for Piano (Sammlung Mehrerer Angenehmer Rondo ...) 96 (18)
Mass in D Major (Pastoral mass) 10 (3, 4, 6, 12, 13, 15)
Neuf Variations pour le Piano Forte, op. 5 (Munich about 1800) 96 (29)
Piano pieces (Collection de toutes Sortes de plus agréables ... Pièces ...) 96 (6-15)
Piano pieces (Schlagstücke from Stift Stams) 96 (1-2, 16, 20-28, 30)
Trois Rondeaux pour le Piano Forte, op. 2/1 (Munich about 1785) 96 (3-5)
Trois Rondeaux pour le Piano Forte, op. 2/2 (Munich about 1785) 96 (19-21)

HÜNTEN, Franz (1792-1878)
Variations for piano on an air Tyrolienne 63

HUMMEL, Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837)
Tyroler-Lied mit Variationen für das Pianoforte (Tyrolean song with variations for pianoforte; Vienna about 1820) 63

KRISMER, Franz (1790-1847), instrument maker in Innsbruck
Traversflöte (side-blown flute; Innsbruck about 1825) 100

KULMBACH, Ludwig (1790-1855), piano maker in Heilbronn, Germany
Tafelpiano (virginal; Heilbronn about 1825) 96

LADURNER, Ignaz Anton (* 1766 in Aldein, † 1839 in Villain, Dep. Seine-et-Oise), Professor of Piano at the Paris Conservatory
Air varié pour le Piano Forte, op. 16/1 (Paris about 1808) 72 (1)
Sonata for piano (Paris about 1782) 72 (2-3)
3 Sonatas for piano, op. 4 (Paris 1797) 71
3 Sonatas for piano, op. 9 (Paris about 1805) 72 (4-8)
3 Sonatas for violin and piano, op. 5 (Paris about 1799) 99
3 Sonatas for violin and piano, op. 7 (Paris about 1803) 98
3 Trios for violin, violoncello and piano, op. 1 (Paris about 1783) 73

LADURNER, Josef Alois (* 1769 in Algund, † 1851 in Brixen), counselor of the consistory of the bishop and composer
Fantasy for harpsichord, op. 1 74 (1-3)
Fantasy in C for piano, op. 6 74 (5)
Fantasy, fugue and sonata for piano, op. 11 75 (1-3)
Fuga in G minor for piano, op. 12 74 (4)
Rondo all’anglaise for piano, op. 8 74 (26)
16 Variations on a pastoral theme for piano, op. 9 75 (4-23)
16 Variations on a popular Viennese waltz ... for piano, op. 10 74 (6-25)

LANNER, Joseph (1801-1843)
Tyroler-Ländler for piano, op.6 (about 1825) 63
(*1857 in Bozen, †1944 in Paris)
Sonata for violin and piano op. 24 (Paris 1894) 88 (1-3)
Trio for piano, violin and violoncello op. 13 (Paris 1886) 88 (4-7)

(*1779 in Stanzach near Reutte, † 1827 in Neustift near Brixen), choirmaster of the Augustinian Canons in Neustift
Auf, ihr Hirten, vom Schlafe wacht auf (Christmas cantata) 10 (7)

LECHNER, Leonhard Athesinus (* about 1553 in Südtirol, † 1606 in Stuttgart), director of the court music in Stuttgart
Historia der Passion ... Jesu Christi ... (Story of the Passion of Jesus Christ; Nuremberg 1593) 9 (1, 3, 5, 7)

MOZART, Wolfgang Amadé (1756-1791)
Komm liebe Zither (song for voice and mandolin), KV 351 (367) 97 (5)
Die Zufriedenheit (song for voice and mandolin), KV 349 (367a) 97 (4)

MADLSEDER, Nonnosus OSB (* 1730 in Meran, † 1797 in Andechs), choirmaster at Andechs Monastery, Bavaria
Missa solemnis, A Minor 41 (1-9, 11-13, 16-21)
O gloriosa Domina (offertorium) 41 (14-15)
Salve Regina, G Minor 41 (10)
Symphony, D Major 23 (15-17)
Te Deum, C Major 41 (22-25)

MALZAT, Johann Michael (1749-1787), choir director of the Innsbruck University church, etc.
Missa solemnis, C Major 37
Quintet for two violins, two violas and bass, C Major 38 (14-16)
Quintet for two violins, two violas and bass, E Flat Major 1 (2); 23 (5-7)
Quintet for two violins, two violas and bass, F Major 38 (4-6)
Quintet for two violins, two violas and bass, G Major 38 (17-19)
Quintet for two violins, two violas and bass, A Major 22 (20-22)
Quintet for two violins, two violas and bass, B Flat Major 38 (1-3)
Requiem, A Flat Major 36
Sonata for violin and violoncello, D Major 26 (1-3)
Sonata for violin and violoncello, A Major 25 (12-14)
Sonata for violin and violoncello, B Flat Major 25 (5-7)
Sonata for violoncello and violone, C Major 26 (4-6)
Symphony, C Major 35 (9-12)
Symphony, C Major (Sinfonia pastorale) 24 (9, 12)
Symphony, D Major 1 (17, 21); 22 (1-4)
Symphony, F Major 35 (1-4)
Symphony, G Major 35 (5-8)

MOORE, Thomas (1779-1852)
The Tyrolese Liberty: A National Air (melody of Wann i morgens früh aufsteh) 63

MOSCHELES, Ignaz (1794-1870)
Divertissement sur des Airs tiroliens .. chantés de la famille Rainer .. (Leipzig about 1830) 63

NAGILLER, Matthäus (* 1815 in Münster, lower Inn Valley, †1874 in Innsbruck), director of music in Innsbruck
Symphony C Minor, op. 15 (Paris 1846) 78 (3-6, 7-10)

NETZER, Josef (*1808 in Zams, † 1864 in Graz), director of music of the Styrian Musical Society in Graz, etc.
String quartet No. 1 in F Minor, Vienna 1836 79 (1-4)
String quartet No. 2 in D Major, Vienna 1846 79 (5-8)
String quartet No. 3 in E Flat Major, Vienna 1848 80 (1-4)
String quartet No. 4 in E Major, Graz 1854/55 80 (5-8)

PALUSELLI, Stefan OCist. (* 1748 in Kurtatsch, † 1805 Stams), choirmaster at Stams Monastery
Balletto Pastorale for orchestra 28 (1-12)
Cantus Pastoritius de Christo Neonato (Christmas cantata) 30 (25-27)
Cassatio for orchestra, D-Dur 26 (7-12)
5 Dances for orchestra (Balli) 27 (9-13)
Diana et Ursus (cantata) 22 (23-28)
Divertimento for winds, C Major 2 (10-14); 25 (20-24)
Divertimento for winds, C Major: minuet, version for Stubenmusik (folk music ensemble) 22 (29)
Divertimento for oboe solo and orchestra 1 (23); 22 (15-19)
Divertimento for orchestra, D Major 40 (12-17)
Divertimento da Camera for orchestra 26 (14-18)
Divertimento “Galanterie” for orchestra 26 (19-23)
Justus perit (Passion motet) 45 (9)
2 Minuets for orchestra, D Major 6 (7, 11)
5 Minuets for orchestra 40 (18-22)
Missa paesana for three voices and orchestra, C Major 46 (8-11)
Missa paesana for voices (unisono) and orchestra, C Major 46 (13-16)
Missa rurale for two voices and organ, C Major 46 (2-6)
Musica seu Parthia (divertimento) for orchestra 40 (23-30)
Pange lingua (hymn) 46 (7)
Partita ex D for orchestra 27 (21-24)
Partita “Gran Rumore ...” for orchestra, D Major 1 (14-16); 22 (9-11); 27 (1-4)
Pieces for harpsichord (Sogetti diversi per il Clavicembalo) 25 (8-11); 28 (13-25); 33; 34;
40 (4-11)
5 Pieces for string trio 2 (15-19); 25 (15-19)
Quadro (string quartet) 2 (20-26); 38 (7-13)
Responsories for the Feast of the Holy Blood in Stams 46 (12)
Scherzo for orchestra 27 (25)
Serenata for orchestra, D Major 27 (14-20)
La Simplicità (piece) for orchestra 27 (26)
Symphony, B Flat Major (Sonata) 27 (5-8)
Vexilla regis prodeunt (hymn) 9 (2, 4, 6, 8)
Vos qui aliquando (hymn) 46 (1)

PEGGER, Michael Sebastian (* 1806 in Tschengels, † after 1883 in Innsbruck), music teacher in Innsbruck
4 Ländler for flute, violin and guitar 100 (1)
Rainer-Arie (based on the Geschwister Rainer national singers from the Zillertal),
for flute, violin and guitar 100 (15)
Terzetto for flute, violin and guitar 100 (7-9)
Theme with 3 variations on Der Schweizerbue for flute, violin and guitar 100 (11)
2 Waltzes for flute, violin and guitar 100 (2, 3)

PEMBAUR, Josef (*1848 in Innsbruck, † 1923 in Innsbruck), director of music in Innsbruck
Jubelmarch (Triumphal March) by Johann Baptist Gänsbacher, version for large orchestra 78 (1)

PLAWENN, Leopold von (* about 1630 in Innsbruck, † 1682)
Fugues Nos. 1, 2 and 3 from Sacrae Nymphae ..., op. 4 (Ulm 1679) 20; 21

POSCH, Franz (* 1810 in Volders, † 1877 in Innsbruck), organist in Gnadenwald and Absam
Es waren einmal unser drei (Christmas cantata) 10 (10)

PRAXMARER, Franz (about 1820), organist in Volders
Pastorella (Evangel-Stückl [small Gospel piece] for organ from Missa pastorella in D) 10 (8)

PSENNER, Johann Georg (* 1747 Innsbruck, † after 1798), violin and lute maker
Mandolin (Innsbruck 1775) 97

RATHGEBER, Johann Valentin (1682-1750)
Quodlibeticum curiosum (selection from Ohren-vergnügenden und Gemüth-
ergötzenden Tafel-Confekt
) 28 (26)

REINER, Ambrosius (* 1604 in Altdorf-Weingarten, † 1672 in Innsbruck), director of the court music in Innsbruck from 1648
Dein große Lieb o Jesulein (Christmas motet from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14
Glückselig ist der Tag (Easter motet from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 21
Iam lachrimas profundere coelum (Easter motet from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 21
Missae quinque vocum (5 Masses, Innsbruck 1655) 13 (1-25)
Quid vidistis pastores (Christmas motet from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14 (16)

RUFINATSCHA, Johann (*1808 in Mals, † 1893 in Vienna), composer and pianist in Vienna
Piano concerto, G Minor, in the version for piano duet (Vienna about 1850) 84 (1-3)
Piano quartet, C Minor (Vienna 1836) 81 (1-4)
Piano quartet, A Flat Major (Vienna about 1870) 81 (5-8)
Piano trio, A Flat Major (Vienna about 1870) 84 (4-7)
String quartet, E Flat Major (Vienna about 1850) 83 (1-4)
String quartet, G Major (Vienna about 1870) 83 (5-8)
Symphony, C Minor, in the version for piano duet (Vienna about 1846) 62 (1-3)
Symphony, B Minor, in the version for piano duet (Vienna about 1846) 62 (4-7)

SÄTZL, Christoph (* about 1592 in Brixen, † 1655 in Hall in the Tyrol), director of the court and cathedral music in Brixen; from 1632 director of music at the royal religious institution for ladies in Hall
Masses Nos. 1 and 4 from Missae quatuor novae ... (Innsbruck 1661) 20; 21

SAILER, Simon (1764-1833), organist at St Jakob am Arlberg and Mais, Meran
Hirten eilt, nicht verweilt (Christmas carol) 10 (9)

SCHUBERT, Franz (1797-1828)
Winterreise, op. 89, D 911 95

STADLMANN, Ignaz (about 1756-1813), violin maker in Vienna
Violin (Vienna 1794) 94

STADLMAYR, Johann (about 1575-1648), director of the court music in Innsbruck
Alma Redemptoris (from Antiphonae Vespertinae ... Innsbruck 1636) 7 (15)
Canite coelites (from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14 (5)
Christmas mass Coelo rores (from Missae concertatae ... Innsbruck 1642) 14 (3 ff.)
Coelo rores (from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14 (2)
Deponite metum (from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14 (8)
(No. 3 from Cantici Mariani ... Innsbruck 1618) 7 (22-24)
Miserere (No. 8 from Psalmus L Davidis ... Innsbruck 1646) 20
Missa a 12 (No. 3 from Missae concertatae ... Innsbruck 1642) 7 (13-14, 16-21)
Missa sine nomine (Vienna 1616) 7 (1-4, 6-11)
O quod solatium (from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14 (11)
Quis mutuos amores (from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 14 (15)
Regina coeli (from Antiphonae Vespertinae ... Innsbruck 1636) 7 (12)
Resonet in laudibus (from Moduli symphoniaci ... Innsbruck 1629) 14 (1)
Resurrexit salus noster (from Odae sacrae ... Innsbruck 1638) 21
Salve Regina (from Antiphonae Vespertinae ... Innsbruck 1636) 7 (5)

STAINER, Jakob (about 1617-1683), violin maker in Absam
Violin (Absam 1682) 98

STECHER, Marian OSB (* 1754 in St. Valentin auf der Haide, Vinschgau, † 1832 in Meran), director of the cathedral music in Trent and choir director in Meran
8 Fugues for organ or piano, op. 7 (about 1800) 77
Gran Sonata for piano duet (Leipzig about 1805) 76
9 Pieces for harpsichord (Munich, etc., about 1795) 77
12 Variations and 1 rondo for piano, op. 6 (Munich about 1800) 76

STRACH, Leopold (1699-1755), director of music at Brixen Cathedral
Dulcis amor dulcis ardor (Marian motet) 19
2 Missae solemnes, C Major 47 (1-20, 22-36)

STRAUSS, Richard (1864-1949)
Don Juan Tone poem for large orchestra in the version for piano duet by Ludwig Thuille 87 (1)
Macbeth Tone poem for large orchestra in the version for piano duet by Ludwig Thuille 87 (10)
8 Songs on poems by Hermann von Gilm, op. 10 87 (2-9)

SUITNER, Peter (* 1928 in Innsbruck)
6 Songs on poems from the Chinesische Flöte collection, for soprano, flute and harp (1995) 93 (19-24)

DE SYLVA, Johann Elias (1716-1798), director of the parish church choir in Innsbruck
Hymn for the Feast of Corpus Christi (about 1750) 19
Missa solemnis, C Major 44 (1-13)
Missa solemnis, D Major 44 (14-23)
Pastoral mass, D Major 30 (10-15, 20-23)
7 Symphonies for orchestra 39
Symphony, D Major 1 (24); 23 (18-20)
Te Deum, C Major (about 1750) 19
7 Trio sonatas (about 1750) 90

THUILLE, Ludwig (* 1861 in Bozen, † 1907 in Munich), Professor of Composition at the Munich Academy of Music
Don Juan Tone poem by Richard Strauss, version for piano duet 87 (1)
Drei Frauenlieder (Three Women’s Songs) for soprano and piano, op. 5 85 (5-7)
Macbeth Tone poem by Richard Strauss, version for piano duet 87 (10)
Quintet for Piano and String Quartet, op. 20 86 (1-4)
Sextet for Winds and Piano, op. 6 85 (1-4)

TSCHORTSCH, Johann Georg (* 1681/82 in Schwaz, † 1736/37 in Schwaz), organist and holder of a benefice in Schwaz
14 Offertories for Feast Days, op. 3 11 (8-14), 12 (1-7)
Requiem, C Minor, op. 2/8 11 (1-7)

VANHAL, Johann Baptist
VI Variations on the popular Tyrolean song: Wann i morgens früh aufsteh 63

VOGL, Georg (1725-1761), musician at the court of Duke Clemens of Bavaria
Sinfonia pastoritia 30 (16-18)

YOUNG, William (* about 1610 probably in London, † 1662 in Innsbruck), viola da gamba player, groom of the chamber and composer at the court of Archduke Ferdinand Karl in Innsbruck
Sonate a 3, 4, e 5 (Sonatas for strings and basso continuo, Innsbruck 1652) 17

ZACH, Johann (1699-1773), director of the cathedral and court music in Mainz
Annuntiate inter gentes (offertorium) 42 (13)
Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra, F Major 32 (11-13)
Concerto for harpsichord and orchestra, G Major 31 (14-16)
Corda pia (offertorium) 43 (16)
Divertimento for violoncello solo and orchestra, E Flat Major 1 (18-20); 22 (12-14)
Missa Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, D Major 29 (13-19, 21-26)
Missa solemnis, D Major 43 (1-8, 13-15, 17-20)
O Deus amor meus (motet) 29 (20)
Requiem, D Minor 29 (1-11)
Requiem, G Minor 42 (1-12)
Salve Regina, C Major 43 (9-12)
Sinfonia pastorale, C Major 23 (11-14)
Statutum est (motet) 29 (12)
String trio, A Minor 25 (1-4)
Symphony, D Major 5 (6-7)
Symphony (Partita), F Major 5 (1-4)
Symphony (Partita), A Major 5 (8-11)
9 Symphonies 31; 32
Terra tremit (offertorium) 42 (14)

Auf, ihr Hirten auf dem Feld (Christmas carol from the music archive of the
Schwaz parish church, about 1800) 10 (5)
The Church Singers of Mühlbach: Religious Folk Song in South Tyrol 48
Church sonata (about 1700) 47 (21)
Die Hennendirn und Pater Augustin (The Poultry Maid and Father Augustine; cantata from Stams Monastery, about 1780) 25 (25)
Ein Kindlein geboren (Christmas carol from the music archive of the Schwaz parish
church, about 1800) 10 (2, 16)
Es kam die gnadenvolle Nacht (Christmas carol from the music archive of the
Achenkirch parish church, about 1820) 10 (14)
Es wird scho glei dumpa (lullaby for the Baby Jesus, about 1840) 6 (14)
Favorit Tyroler Walzer (Munich about 1830) 63
Geboren ist uns ein Kindlein klein (from Moduli symphoniaci ... Innsbruck 1629)
14 (6, 9, 12)
Ligatura pro Elevatione for organ (about 1690) 20
Minuet (from Klausen, before 1819) 10 (1)
Minuet (from the Reutte area, before 1819) 6 (2)
Minuet (from Weissenbach in the Lech valley, about 1810) 62 (16)
2 Minuets (from Klausen, before 1819) 10 (11)
2 Minuets (from Platt in the Passeier valley, about 1780) 62 (1, 2)
Naughty Songs from the Eastern Tyrol 61
Nice Songs from the Eastern Tyrol 62
O ihr lieben Hirten (Christmas carol, about 1780) 3 (7)
Passion according to the Gospel of St John in Gregorian chant (Kempten 1694),
Turbae parts for 4-part male choir (about 1780) 45 (8)
Plattler (from the Peterlg’spiel of Höttingen, about 1820) 62 (10)
Quem vidistis o pastores (Graduale pastorale from Stams Monastery, about 1780) 30 (19)
Sagt Hirten liebe Brüder (Christmas carol from Achenkirch, about 1825) 6 (10)
Schlaf wohl, du Himmelsknabe, du (Christmas carol from the music archive of Stams Monastery,
about 1800), 10(17)
2 Schuhplattler (from Kastelruth, about 1800) 62 (14, 15)
Shepherd’s music (about 1770) 3 (9)
8 Tyrolean Alpine songs (Vienna 1830) 62 (3-7, 11-13)
Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert I 54
Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert II 55
Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert III 56
Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert IV 57
Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert V 58
Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert VI 59
2 Tyrolean dances (about 1820) 62 (8, 9)
Tyrolean Passion Music in Song 1990 (Passion of Prettau, etc.) 49
Tyrolean Passion Music in Song 1991 (Passion of Gummer, etc.) 50
Tyrolean Passion and Easter Music in Song 1998 53
Tyrolean Passion and Easter Music in Song 1992 (Passion of Stegen, etc.) 51; 52
Vögelein singet (Aria auf die Heilige Nacht, Christmas aria, about 1730) 30 (24)
Wer klopfet an (Christmas song about the Holy Family seeking accommodation, from eastern Tyrol, about 1840) 6 (1)
Wu! Guten Morgen Fräul'n Katz (Woof! Good Morning, Miss Cat, cantata from Stams Monastery, about 1780) 26 (13)