CD 95

Musical Instruments in the Ferdinandeum 2

Conrad  Graf’s  pianoforte (Hammerfl ügel) is perhaps the most widely admired treasure in  the  music  collection  of the Tiroler  Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. The dreamily soft, veiled, wonderfully poetic soundofthisexceptionallywell- preserved pianoforte has a very special fullness and beauty that continues to enchant audiences at  our  concerts.  Especially the music of Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann, who both owned and appreciated Graf  pianofortes,  is  heard to  advantage  intensely  and effectively on this magnifi cent master instrument. The many people  who  attended  our concerts over the last few years were able to experience this best at Lieder performances, among which Franz Schubert’s three song cycles were particularly memorable.  We  therefore decided to introduce Conrad Graf’s Hammerflügel, which the famous piano builder made around 1838 in Vienna, with what seems to us its most ideal andthereforealsomostcommon use   as   an   accompanying instrument for Lieder singing. The musicians presented on this CD are Andreas Lebeda, bass baritone, and David Cowan, pianoforte. They performed Franz Schubert’s Winterreise at   the   Ferdinandeum   on December 1993 in the context of the exhibition on the painter Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, a  setting  that  was  rich  in atmosphere.

Track 8, 2:22
Winterreise D 911
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)