CD 93

Modern Chamber Music Concert 2

Cover: Erika Suitner-Pinggera

The Modern Chamber Music Concert is an acoustic forum provided   by   the   Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum forTyroleancomposersoftoday. This CD series contains mostly compositions whose creation and realization were initiated by the Ferdinandeum. It also includes works by Tyrolean composers that were premiered at the Tiroler Landesmuseum and live recordings of concerts of  new  Tyrolean  music  in the framework of our music program.  The  emphasis  is on music that is open to the creative variety of technical and tonal possibilities at the disposal of composers of today. Peter Suitner comments on his composition of six songs based on the Chinesische Flöte poetry collection (tracks 19-24): “I was pleased to accept Manfred Schneider’s proposal to set several poems from bygone days, which he had selected from the little book published by Insel (no. 465), to music. I also kept to the desired (ideal) scoring: soprano, fl ute and harp. The undoubtedly problematic versions of very vulnerable lyric poems need plenty of reshaping interventions by the translator to trace the subtleties of the original language – inasmuch as  this  is  possible  at  all. Furthermore, daring to set them to music constitutes a renewed attempt at approaching this lyric poetry of a distant era, full of strange and unusual magic, while making (preferably few) allusions  and  transforming it into notes. Not easy! But I tried.” Besides other music, this CD provides the live recording of the premiere performance of this song cycle.

Track 1, 1:36
Der Herr ist mein Hirt
Franz Baur (1958)