CD 92
Modern Chamber Music Concert 1
Siggi Haider, a composer and pedagogueinAxams,composed his original glass music in 1994 at the suggestion of the curator of the Ferdinandeum’s music collection. It was premiered in the program of activities accompanying the exhibition on ten generations of Riedel glass manufacture, “Eine Symphonie aus Glas: Riedel seit 1756 – 10 Generationen Glasmacher.” The composer wrote about his work as follows: “I was concerned with glass on the one hand as something that produces sound and on the other as an intellectual basis for conceiving a composition: glass, which is very solid but nevertheless provides a view of what is ‘behind’ it – crystal- clear, fractured, or distorted, depending on its consistency and treatment. Windows allow an unobstructed view outward and/or inward. A frame limits the size of the fi eld of vision and determines the detail. The musical sequence of my glass music can be compared to looking through a kaleidoscope: little glass pieces are shifted, they slip here and there, change position and rearrange themselves into new, constantly changing pictures; the tempo depends on the speed of rotation. Thus separate pictures are clearly fi xed while the transitions from one to another just ‘happen,’ i.e. they are improvised. Chaos develops and reassembles itself into a shape. The audience is invited to create their own pictures, to linger in a state of wonder and to see with their ears.”
Track 2, 1:33