CD 75
Works for Piano 2

Hammerflügel by Conrad Graf, Vienna, about 1838; Innsbruck, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Music Collection
Josef Alois Ladurner’s cycle on a theme by Händel and his Pastoral Variations first documented on this CD should be counted among his major works. Both pieces show their author as an experimenter, well versed in theoretical matters, who not only does not shy away from combining stereotype formal topoi such as fantasy, fugue and sonata into a novel concept of a cycle, but also draws new facets from the variation technique. The tremendously complex Variation no. 15 in the cycle of Pastoral Variations demonstrates this impressively. It embraces just about all parameters of the art of variation. His piece on the theme of a fugue by G. F. Händel in F Sharp Minor was printed around 1830 in Munich. Ladurnerhadalreadyworkedon very similar thematic material years earlier in his “Prelude for the Clavichord on a Theme by G. F. Händel / Imitating Suite IV, No. 3 Courante.” This piece is kept in the music collection of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum along with other autograph music composed by him, including the Pastoral Variations. With a theme almost identical to the fugal theme he used later, this is to a certain extent a preliminary study for the much bigger piece. However, it is hard to understand why Ladurner chose the rather plain, not very descriptive motif as the thematic subject for an extensive composition such as this. In any case, he shows himself in this work more as a committed theorist and experimenter than a showman intent on external effects and brilliance. This also applies to the grandiose Pastoral Variations on his own theme. A great number of details worthy of admiration can be found in this – probably his best – composition.
Track 1, 1:10
Fantasie, Fuge and Sonate