CD 7

Tyrolean Musical Treasures 6

Interior of the Innsbruck court church in Stadlmayr’s time, from an engraving by Laurentius Strauch (1614)

Johann   Stadlmayr   (about 1575-1648) was lauded by his contemporaries as being „an eternal distinction and honor for all composers.“ This live CD recording of the festive concerts in Wilten Abbey on 7 and 8 July 1998  to  commemorate  the 350th anniversary of Johann Stadlmayr’s  death  contains a medley of the life’s work of this prominent composer of the Baroque era, who was the director of music at the Innsbruck court for over 40 years. Stadlmayr was one of the leading composers of his age and left a decisive imprint on the development of church music in the 17th century. This CD demonstrates in exemplary fashion the contrast between the  large-scale  polychoral mass with its mighty groups of sound and the new form of the considerably more subtly conceived   concert   mass. Although Stadlmayr was the director of music at court in Innsbruck, he composed almost only church music. Most of his works were published and widely disseminated from Italy to northern Germany and in the Netherlands. The majority has  been  preserved  almost completely in contemporary printed editions in the form of part books, now scattered in libraries and archives almost all over world. In the course of research done by the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, copies were made of almost all of Stadlmayr’s works and some have already been transferred into modern musical notation to provide the basis for further concert projects.

Track 20, 1:04
Agnus Dei
Johann Stadlmayr