CD 56

Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert III

Scene from a crèche, Götzens, about 1850, attributed to Felix Haller

The third Tyrolean Christmas Carol Concert was recorded at the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum  over  three evenings. When making the masterwefollowedtheprinciple of greatest possible authenticity in order to approximate the ideal  of  a  successful  live recording. The  tension  and intensity of communicating with  an  audience  can  be achieved only inadequately in the sober setting of a recording session.  Nevertheless,  this shortcoming is certainly offset by  advantages,  such  as  the ability to repeat and to exclude unpleasant noises in the room. However, we only took modest advantage  of  the  countless technical refi nements that were of course at our disposal, i.e. the recordings were largely left as is. During editing we took care not to let a completely new artifi cial product result from the naturally wide variety of recorded material but to choose the most natural version as the core, leaving large parts of  it  unchanged.  Only  for more  gross  shortcomings, especially acoustic ones, was the   synchronous   passage from  another  version  taken into  consideration  and  cut in. In our selection process it seemed especially important to communicate the intensity and  personal  commitment of  the  performers,  and  to communicate the credibility of the message (glad tidings) to an anonymous audience. It also mattered to show with how much love all of this had been tackled and carried out by all participants from the start. Imperfections that are typically  human  were  also welcome and purposely left in the recording.

Track 17, 1:24
Einzug der Hl. drei Könige