CD 53

Tyrolean Passion and Easter Music in Song 1989

Scenes from the Stockinger crèche for Lent, in the Heimatmuseum Schwaz (Local History Museum)

The   concert   of  Tyrolean Passion and Easter Music in Song  held  in  1989  was  the very fi rst in the Tyrol. By now performances of Passion music in traditional Alpine folk song given during and around Holy Week are almost a matter of course  in  the  annual  round of concert events. The first concert of Tyrolean Passion and  Easter  Music  in  Song exclusively presented the song heritage of the Tyrolean church singers (Kirchensinger), as did all subsequent similar projects of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum.   It   was   a complete novelty, both in the staging of a logical dramatic sequence and in the adaptation of historical song documents. On the one hand, the hymns were performed in authentic sound in the form of a fi ve- part choral piece used by the Kirchensinger of Mühlbach in the Tauferer valley. On the other, many passages had to be reconstructed because of the fragmentary survival of the song settings by word of mouth. A live recording of this first song performance was made at the Tyrolean studio of the national radio, ORF. The version documented on this CD was a studio production at the Tiroler Landesmuseum a few years after the actual premiere.  In  addition,  we prepared  songbooks  for  all of these productions (six of Tyrolean Passion and Easter Music in Song, six of Tyrolean Christmas  Music  in  Song), making the sources available in this form also to everyone interested in this music.

Track 13, 2:29
Dich soll das Weltall preisen