CD 50
Tyrolean Passion Music in Song 1991

Passion scene from the Lenten crèche by Paul Zeiller (1658-1738) Heimatmuseum Reutte (Local History Museum)
In the context of our research on the folk song, we recorded three responsorial Passions in South Tyrol. They are the last surviving testimony of a performance of the story of Christ’s Passion in song, an orally transmitted tradition once widely cultivated in the Tyrol. The main bearers of this tradition were small groups of barely musically trained singers of the peasant class, who usually belonged to one family and passed on their offi ce from generation to generation. The selection for our 1991 concert of Passion music was the Passion from the town of Gummer, Eggental. As this Passion had not been performed for over twenty years, the recording made in the course of our fi eldwork turned out to involve reconstruction. This was sometimes quite difficult, mainly because many of the former singers had already died and the surviving authorities on this music could sometimes remember only parts of the melodies not belonging to their usual roles. The Passion of Gummer is provided here in the form established by conscientious research. All of the authorities that could still be contacted were consulted, and second versions of all the recordings were made at intervals in order to clear up possible errors.
Track 8, 1:32
Da sie nun beim Mahle waren