CD 49

Tyrolean Passion Music in Song 1990

Scene from the Lenten crèche in Schwaz by Christoph Anton Mayr, known as Stockinger (ca. 1720-1771), about 1760

Fieldwork  for  research  on Tyrolean folk music, especially in East and South Tyrol, carried out by the Institut für Tiroler Musikforschung, the Tiroler Volksliedarchiv and the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, has  resulted  in  abundant findings  particularly  in  the area of religious folk song. Almost 3,000 tape recordings document the wealth of this unique tradition. Based on these findings, Manfred Schneider organized concert series such as Tyrolean Passion Music in Song and Tyrolean Christmas Carols and presented them in the framework of the Tiroler Landesmuseum’s    concert program. This CD is the live recording of the 1990 Tyrolean Passion Music in Song concert recorded by the Tyrolean studio of the national radio, ORF. This legendary concert was pioneering in many respects. It featured the Passion from Prettau  im Ahrntal  (South Tyrol), a wonderful piece that had last been heard in 1940 at its place of origin in the context of the Palm Sunday liturgy. As such music is transmitted from one generation to another by the church singers by word of mouth only, it was in danger of being forgotten. This Passion could  fortunately  be  saved on a tape recording made in the  course  of  our  research. Featuring the last surviving carriers of the tradition, this recording provided the basis for  our  new  production  of this  music  at  the  Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. As an enduring document in the form of this CD, it can now furnish an impression of the simple beauty and moving originality of this extraordinary musical tradition.

Track 3, 0:55
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