CD 42/43

Music from Stams Monastery XVII

Franz Michael Hueber, Angels’ Concert (detail). Fresco (1729) in the stairwell leading to the prelate’s quarters and Bernardisaal (hall) in Stams Monastery

The Tyrolean Church Music Concerts  were  initiated  in 1997. Their primary aim is to draw attention to the particular importance of sacred music in the cultural history of the Tyrol by providing exemplary concert performances. In fact, the Tyrol is a land of music par excellence. Besides the great  names  and  traditions that  are  still  well  known internationally today, there is a series of composers whose works  exhibit  considerable quality and who were hence greatly esteemed in their day. The documentary sources for the  history  of  music  in  the Tyrol are overabundant. This important legacy is preserved in monasteries,parisharchivesand above all the music collection of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum.  Every  year, works of church music either by  Tyrolean  composers  or handed  down  in  the  Tyrol are to be presented at these concerts in different venues and made available in a variety of ways. On the one hand this involves adapting the historical source materials, music usually preserved in manuscript form, for  modern  research  and performance practice. On the other, and above all, there is the preparation of a lasting record of all concerts on CDs. These, in turn, constitute the building blocks for a gradually developing history of music of the Tyrol in sound. An important objective is to have the concerts in places where the music on the program was written and/or preserved. This draws attention to the importance of the area in question for Tyrolean musical culture    and    encourages identifi cation with the specifi c local    musical    tradition. Launching our Tyrolean Church Music project was sacred music by Johann Zach (1699-1773).

CD 1, Track 11, 1:51
Requiem in g-minor
Agnus Dei
Johann Zach