CD 26

Music from Stams Monastery V

Frontispiece, detail of a fl ute-playing putto surrounded by period instruments, copperplate engraving by Christoph Melchior Roth, Nuremberg 1743

One of the delights on this CD is the merry scenario in song  „Wu!  Guten  Morgen Fräul’n Katz“ (Woof! Good morning, Miss Cat, track 13). The Singspiel (spoken dialogue with interpolated songs) was especially popular in Tyrolean monasteries. Other examples of this genre are on CD 1 (track 6), CD 22 (tracks 23-28), CD 25 (track 25) and CD 28 (track 26). In the monastery, Singspiele were  performed  primarily during  the  carnival  season. Many  were  also  composed for the patron saints’ name- days or birthdays of abbots and monks or for other festive occasions in the convent, e.g. when  high-ranking  guests visited. The Paluselli Band (see photo below) was assembled especially for occasion of the Second  Chamber  Serenade with   Music   from   Stams Monastery,  held  under  the auspices of the 1995 Innsbruck Summer on 30 July. The double bass player Walter Rumer (far right with bow) selected the players from among his many musical friends. Three quintets scored for different instruments composed  by  their  “patron saint”  and  played  by  the Paluselli Band are on this CD. As do all works by Paluselli, these  pieces  demonstrate  a particular wit and originality, even  in  the  indications  for individual movements, such as  Peloponeso  (polonaise; track  10),  Hennengeschrey (chickens squawking; track 16), or Gallanterie to mark a quintet (tracks 19-23).

Track 16, 1:50
Stefan Paluselli OCist.