CD 22
Music from Stams Monastery I

Franz Michael Hueber, Angels’ Concert (detail), 1729. Fresco in the stairwell leading to the prelate’s quarters and Bernardisaal (hall) in Stams Monastery
The music archive of Stams Monastery is the most important collection of music materials of the Tyrol besides the music collection of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. Preserved in Stams are about 3,000 music manuscripts and printed works of music, mainly from the second half of the 18th century. Unique is not only the concentration of surviving works but also the excellent state of preservation and completeness of these musical sources. Many of the Tyrol’s important composers are represented with impressive works only in Stams Monastery today. The Tyrolean music scholar Walter Senn first viewed this archive back in the early 1930s and transcribed many compositions as scores. Some of these works were documented in the late 1960s by the Tyrolean studio of the Austrian national radio, ORF. CDs 22 and 23 contain almost all of these important recordings.
Track 9, 1:13
Partita, Maestoso
Stefan Paluselli OCist.