CD 14

Tyrolean Musical Treasures 12

Stephan Kessler, Nativity, about 1690 Fresco in the rotunda of Säben Benedictine Abbey

The 1999 Tyrolean Christmas Concert   is   an   exclusive premiere   performance   of Christmas  music  from  the famous 17th-century Innsbruck court  ensemble  of  singers and  instrumentalists  in  the days  of Archduke  Leopold V, Archduchess Claudia and Archduke  Ferdinand  Karl. Johann Stadlmayr, one of the most  respected  composers of his age, and his successor Ambrosius Reiner were the directors  of  court  music  in Innsbruck at the time. Both composers had their Christmas motets  printed  in  the  Odae sacrae... collection published by Johann Gäch in Innsbruck in  1638. Also  published  in Innsbruck were Stadlmayr’s glorious   Christmas   mass (1642) and another volume of Christmas motets entitled Moduli Symphoniaci... (1629). The program for our concert  was  selected  from these  Innsbruck  editions. Nowadays the originals going back to this fascinating period in Tyrolean cultural history are  scattered  amongst  the Royal Library in Brussels, the French  National  Library  in Paris and the Bavarian State Library in Munich. We have obtained copies for the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum and supplied modern musical notation for today’s performances. The splendid Baroque sound is produced by the orchestra’s violins, violas da gamba, cello, string basses, recorders, dulcian, cornets and trombones, with a substantial basso continuo featuring organ, harpsichord, theorbo, harp and dulcimer.

Track 16, 3:58
Quid vidistis pastores
from Odae Sacrae
Ambrosius Reiner