CD 10
Tyrolean Musical Treasures 9
This Tyrolean Christmas Concert presents exclusively Tyrolean traditional Christmas music staged in an original program. The central piece is a Christmas mass. As on a festive Christmas Eve in a Tyrolean church around the middle of the 19th century, musical Christmas scenes are interspersed throughout the mass. These include the Annunciation to the Shepherds, the Shepherds at the Manger, and the touching lullaby. There are also some especially delightfulminuetshandeddown from traditional folk music. This Christmas mass is by Josef Alois Holzmann (1762- 1815), the parish organist of Hall, who was very popular as a composer and whose works have spread almost all over central Europe. The sources for this Christmas concert had survived in various places in the Tyrol, such as in Klausen, Reutte, Schwaz, Lienz, Absam, Stams Monastery, Götzens, and Achenkirch. The majority of these musical documents are now kept in the music collection of the Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum. One of the major objectives of these concerts in the Ferdinandeum is to make the public aware of this tradition and thus encourage similar activities.
Track 16, 1:57
Weihnachtslied (anonymous)